Guide To Non-Surgical Nose Job (The Nose Filler)


Guide To Non-Surgical Nose Job (The Nose Filler)

Are you not happy about the shape of your nose? Do you find your nose too big? Or do you have a hump you want to remove? Or maybe change the curve of your nose?

If you want to change the appearance of your nose, you have two main options:

  • A surgical nose job (called rhinoplasty)

  • A nose filler

What is a surgical nose job?

A surgical nose job is a procedure whereby a surgeon will open up your nose with a scalpel (or other tool). The surgeon will then cut out cartilage and (or) bone from your nose. The aim of this is to alter the structural shape of your nose. 

What is a nose filler?

A nose filler is simply an injection of liquid material into your nose.

This filler material is added to the specific part of your nose that you want to change. We can then sculpt this material to obtain the exact shape you want.

There are different kinds of materials that can be used for a nose filler. The different materials have different hardness and different duration. However, the most commonly used nose fillers today are made of a substance called hyaluronic acid.

A good thing about hyaluronic acid is that your body already produces this acid, therefore it is considered super safe.

So should you opt for rhinoplasty or a nose filler?

Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of both.

The Pros And Cons Of A Nose Filler Vs. A Surgical Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)?

Because rhinoplasty and a nose filler are different treatments, they have different positives and negatives. Here are the key ones:

Degree of complexity: Rhinoplasty is a procedure that is substantially more complex than a nose filler. It entails physically cutting up and opening your nose and removing parts of your cartilage and (or) bone. After the surgery is over, the surgeon will stitch your nose back together. A nose filler on the other hand, is simply an injection of material into your nose. 

What results can be achieved: Without a doubt, rhinoplasty can make larger changes to your nose. Above all, it can reduce the size of your nose. A nose filler cannot male your nose smaller. On the contrary, a nose filler can only increase the size of your nose. That said, both rhinoplasty and a nose filler can improve symmetry of your nose, reduce the appearance of bumps, change the curve of your nose and also reshape the tip of your nose. In addition, rhinoplasty can reshape your nostrils, improve breathing problems (including snoring) and repair nose injuries.

Anesthesia: If you choose rhinoplasty, this will require anesthesia. And in many cases, you will be under what is called general anesthesia. This knocks you out so that you will be completely unconscious during the surgery. In some cases, you can get away with local anesthesia which will numb your nose and face, but you will still be awake. If you opt for a nose filler, the only anesthesia you will need is a numbing cream.

Downtime: After you go through rhinoplasty, you will have bandages covering up your nose. You will likely also go through some degree of discomfort. Many people take a week off work and social activities following this procedure. Before the majority of the swelling have subsided,  about two weeks have normally passed by. This also means that you should wait about two weeks with strenuous exercise. And it can take several months to recover completely. If you get a nose filler, there will normally be zero downtime. In all likelihood, you can continue with your day as usual after walking out of the clinic. You should however wait 2 days before doing strenuous exercise.

Duration of results: Rhinoplasty is permanent. The results are only changeable by doing further surgery. A nose filler on the other hand is temporary. Most nose fillers last from about six months to two years, depending on the brand you choose.

Reversal of treatment: Rhinoplasty cannot be reversed because it is permanent. A hyaluronic acid nose filler on the other hand can easily be reversed. We do this with something called hyaluronidase. This hyaluronidase dissolves the hyaluronic acid so that the filler dissapears, and your nose revert to what it was before the filler treatment.

Cost: Rhinoplasty is an expensive treatment and will normally cost from £4,000 to £8,000. A nose filler will normally cost from £200 to £600.

So what should you choose? A nose filler or surgery?

A good solution may be to first get a nose filler. This way you can try it out and see if you like the new shape of your nose. If you like the results and you want to make them permanent, you can always go for rhinoplasty later.

Nose Fillers In Bouremouth - TreatMyWrinkles

Should you be interested in getting a nose filler in Bournemouth, we at TreatMyWrinkles have decades of experience performing these treatments, and we have hundreds of happy clients behind us.

On top of this, we would like to offer you a 10% discount on your treatment. Btw, we don't only offer this discount on nose fillers, but also on all of our other treatments.

And in the event you want to speak to us about anything, we also offer a completely free phone consultation. Message us today to arrange this.

But we also do a lot more than just nos filler treatments. Here you find our other popular treatments:

Cheek fillers - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Botox - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Dermal fillers - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Lip fillers - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Nose fillers - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

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And here you find the prices for our skincare treatments:

Botox price - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Dermal filler price -TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Lip filler price - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Nose filler price - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Cheek filler price - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

Microneedling price - TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth

If you want more info about skincare in Bournemouth and anti-wrinkle treatments in Bournemouth, you find this on our Google sites

If you want to learn more about nose fillers in Bournemouth, you find more info on our Google page.

And here you find driving directions to our Bournemouth Botox clinic:

If you want help with nose fillers or any other skin treatment, you find us here:

TreatMyWrinkles Bournemouth - Botulinum & Dermal Filler Experts

Gervis Place



Phone: 012 0298 5295

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